The answer is yes – it is possible to leave a house unheated in the winter, but it is not recommended unless you perform a thorough winterizing process as it can lead to several issues, such as:
Frozen pipes
When the temperature drops below freezing, the water in the pipes can freeze and cause them to burst. This can result in costly repairs.
Mold growth
Cold, damp environments can encourage the growth of mold and mildew, which can cause respiratory problems and damage to the structure of the house.
Pest infestations
Many pests, such as mice and rats, seek shelter in warm places during the winter. An unheated house can be an attractive option for these pests, leading to infestations.
Damage to the house
Extreme cold can cause damage to the foundation, roof, and other parts of the house. In addition, furniture and other items in the house can be damaged by the cold and dampness.
In short, while it is technically possible to leave a house unheated in the winter, it is not recommended as it can lead to a range of problems. If you are planning on leaving your house unoccupied for an extended period during the winter, it is important to take steps to winterize the property. To see all of the steps you should take to winterize your home please read:
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