When using a washing machine in freezing temperatures, there are a few considerations you should make to ensure that it operates effectively and efficiently.
You need to remember that temperature has a direct impact on the cycle of your washing machine and washing the clothes in an inadequate temperature might lead to a plethora of negative consequences.
Does cold weather affect washing machines?
If you are living in cold weather, it is imperative that you take great care of your clothes and wash them appropriately. In case you are not following proper guidelines, you risk damaging both the machine and the clothes.
There are plenty of reasons that might be taken into account when it comes to whether or not cold water has any impact on washing machines. For example, a tub is filled with water that comes from a hose and a pump discards the water after the washing is complete. Henceforth, it will lead your washing machine to become frozen if you keep it in a place that is extremely cold such as garages or basements during winters. There will be possibilities that when you come with a pile of laundry, you will notice a lump of ice rather than seeing water within your hose and pumps.
Another consideration for how cold weather can affect washing machines is moisture buildup. Cold temperatures can cause moisture to build up in the washing machine, which can lead to mold and mildew growth if the machine isn’t properly ventilated or dried out. To prevent this, leave the door open after each use to allow the machine to air out, and consider using a dehumidifier in the room.
Cold weather leading to a cold washing machine can impact detergent performance. Cold water doesn’t dissolve detergent as effectively as warm or hot water, so in colder temperatures, you may need to use more detergent to get your clothes clean. Additionally, some washing machines have a “cold wash” setting that adjusts the wash cycle to compensate for the colder water, but this may not be as effective as using warm or hot water. Finally, while most washing machines are designed to use cold water, that cold water is normally 55 to 62 degrees Fahrenheit, according to this Quora answer. Should your water be considerably colder than that, (e.g. washing clothes in a home with no heat), the detergent could dissolve even less.
Tips to using washing machine in freezing temperature
One of the most successful ways to ensure the same is by emptying the washing machine completely as nothing can be frozen if there are no liquids or clothes within the machine. All the supply lines carrying water must be disconnected and a spin cycle is required to be run to get rid of as much excess water as possible.
Residual water expanding within pipes or the washing machine itself is a concern. The water within the washing machine is often kept within a confined area and the expanding ice in the machine might cause other components to be shattered which is due to the constant pressure that is caused by the solid ice.
Turning the faucet during the night and making sure that the water trickles out is paramount – to make sure that the washing machine pipes do not freeze during the winter. You must note that a dripping faucet can allow the pipes and hoses in your house from freezing since scientifically moving water requires extremely cold temperatures to come to a freezing state.
Insulation is another way to achieve the given goal during the winter season. Pipe insulation is known to be available at the majority of retailers that are associated with the business of home improvement. After the foam padding is placed successfully around the pipes, it will act in the form of a thermal constraint against cold temperatures.
Whenever a washing machine is placed in an environment that is subjected to freezing temperature, it will need to be winterized. Even though oftentimes the machines are not being used, they could be subjected to a frozen state, which could be critical if care was not taken to completely remove all moisture from the washing machine. As freezing water tends to expand, it will damage the pumps and intake valves of the machine. Therefore, by draining any amount of water that might remain within the machine or associating with an RV antifreeze, you might winterize the machine which will subsequently allow you to avoid costly repair.
You might also want to unhook the hoses and make the machine relatively dry as you will need to utilize the same for doing your laundry irrespective of the temperature that might be prevalent at that time. In case you are required to use the washing machine for conducting daily laundry duty and you are incapable of going a day without doing the same, you should make regular use of the machine to keep it from freezing. In that context, relying on the hot water setting of the machine and running it occasionally even on the days when there is no laundry to do, it is suggested to use the hot water feature which will prevent the process of any kind of ice formation.
Furthermore, if you are headed out for a vacation during the entire winter season, it is suggested to not turn the heat all the way down as turning it down just a few degrees will allow you to save on the heating bill, but not cause the washing machine to freeze. The ideal temperature will depend on the place you live in and how energy efficient your home is. However, along with saving you a substantial amount on energy bill, it will be even more effective in keeping your pipes from being frozen.
Cold weather can be a really daunting time and especially when it is about keeping the electric appliances from freezing such as a washing machine. However, by following the above-mentioned steps, you can be sure to save the machines from extreme cold and enjoy a worry-free winter.
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