kept my koi pond heated ||Have you ever thought about heating your pond during the winter as the temperature begins to drop? It is something that might be on your mind, especially if you have fish. It is a significantly more imperative step than you think if you have koi fish in your pond as they are cold-blooded species.
To be more precise, these fish cannot control the temperature of their body and their surrounding environment does that for them. Therefore, when the temperature is warm outside, they also become hot, and similarly during the winter, they tend to become cold.
5 tips to heating Koi pond in winter
If you do things incorrectly the koi in your pond might fail to survive the long-standing winter and become unhealthy until spring arrives. So, use this article as your one-step guide that you can use to implement the right methods to ensure that your koi pond is effectively heated during this winter.
1. Try to keep the koi in the pond during winter
It is perhaps the most common approach that everyone follows, especially if you are living somewhere that is known to get heavy snowfall every winter. If that is the case, then there are two methods that you can adopt to get success.
If you tend to have multiple pumps, it will be the best idea to stop them all. However, you must also keep in mind that the movement of water is not too drastic and it does not push the fish around quite extensively. You should let the fish hibernate peacefully and if you also stop the filters, then make sure to drain the water successfully.
Additionally, make sure to keep the air pump running as it will help to make a hole on the ice and will prevent the same from freezing your pond entirely.
2. Think about building a greenhouse
One of the things that you can do to keep the koi pond heated this year is by building a greenhouse which can be done easily by purchasing a greenhouse building kit. Furthermore, you can also build certain frames with the help of PVC or even wood and cover them with plastic sheets to be worry-free about your pond being frozen.
Through this method, you can also keep a check on your koi fish. If you are successful in installing a heater, you will also get to grow your koi throughout the year like you do during the months of summer. A plethora of options are available to build a beautiful greenhouse in the style of a koi pond. With the help of a creativity, you can also build one to ensure that the warm air stays inside with the fish.
3. Buy a de-icer
A floating de-icer is one of the most necessary pieces of equipment you can think of while trying to keep your koi pond from freezing. The small, disk-shaped objects have been developed to automatically turn on in case the temperature of water reaches a certain level.
They will subsequently produce a significantly small amount of warmth to create a hole within the ice and this given hole is extremely essential for winter ponds to help let the gasses escape from the water. The reason being, too much prevalence of carbon dioxide is extremely harmful for fish, and they can also kill them eventually.
In case you have a significantly large pond, then you must have more than one of these and to be very precise, sometimes 3-4 might be a requirement for ponds that are quite large.
4. Adequate aeration
The system of winter aeration should encompass the process of system aeration along with an aerator that is skillfully located relatively closer to the floor of a pond. You must note that the surface aeration will help to get rid of freezing as it takes a significantly longer colder temperature to let moving water to be frozen.
On the other hand, the aeration that is situated toward the pond floor will also prevent the outdoor plants from being frozen as well and it will also help to circulate warm water to ensure that the entire pond remains warm and simultaneously giving the plants and fish the amount of oxygen they need to sustain.
5. Check the water level
It is a known fact that water naturally evaporates (althought it evaporates slower during the winter), you must keep an eye on the level of water. It is important to top off the water within your pond once during the cold months to ensure that the pond is at the perfect depth.
However, you must never top off the water in your pond with hot water as this may come as a shock to the fish as they require a constant temperature. So, try to add water that is the same temperature as the entire pond.
The minimum depth for koi ponds is four feet. If they are any shallower, the pond will freeze from top to bottom. If they are four feet or deeper, there is enough space for the pond to freeze partially without a covering of ice forming on top of it. By doing so, you can be sure that your fish will have enough space to breathe and swim.
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