Throughout the warm months, you use your above-ground pool frequently for pleasant activities like swimming, water aerobics, or relaxing on a pool float. Winterizing an above-ground pool is the ideal way to safeguard your investment in this backyard bringer of entertainment, and be prepared for the upcoming swimming season.
Can you winterize a Bestway pool? Of course!
Although it may seem like there are many stages involved in winterizing an above-ground Bestway pool, the majority of them are quick and simple. Furthermore, a lot of the tasks on the list are repeated from your routine pool care. You can look forward to enjoying your Bestway pool right away next summer, with less than an entire day of winterizing work.
Why is it important to close the pool?
When it comes to protecting a pool from winter damage and maintaining some sanity during spring cleaning, taking the effort to close a pool properly is crucial for the people who experience hard winters.
You must be able to close your pool properly because doing so can significantly reduce your stress levels going forward and position you for pool opening success. Improper pool closing can potentially cause the frame of your pool to sustain irreparable water and ice damage. It would be less expensive to purchase chemicals and a quality cover to close your above-ground pool in time for the upcoming icy winter than having to deal with costly repairs from winter-damaged parts. When closing your pool properly and taking care of your investment, there are numerous reasons to do so.
- Low temperatures, whether frost or a extreme cold temperatures, are considered freeze events and can harm the pool’s frame, pipes, liner, and lines.
- In contrast to the winter, the warm, bright months are when your pool is most likely to develop algae. Nevertheless, algae will also grow in pool water if it is left ignored and untreated for several months.
- All fragile parts are put under a great deal of stress by temperature drops, snow, ice, and rain when the weather is bad, including the housing, motor, electrical wiring, and hoses.
- Dirt and heavier debris might accumulate in an above-ground pool as a result of wind, winter storms, and months of inactivity.
How to winterize a bestway above ground pool?
Deep cleaning

Before putting your above-ground pool away for the season, give it one more thorough cleaning. Vacuum and brush the interior, and skim any residual dirt from the surface. This will prepare your water for a last balancing before winterizing and stop the growth of algae, mold, and other invaders that can grow over the winter, producing stains in your pool and causing water-balancing disasters in the spring. Your odds of experiencing your own personal spring cleaning horror story will decrease the more you tidy now.
Balancing the water
To make sure your pool is as ready as possible to withstand the winter months, balance the water before closing. Your winter pool chemicals will work better if you balance your water properly now, and it will be simpler to open your pool in the spring. To establish a baseline, test your pool’s water after cleaning. You may either purchase test strips on your own or bring your water to a local pool supply store to get it tested.
Adding winterizing chemicals
Chemicals used during winterization maintain your pool clear of algae and strengthen it against the weather. Namco Pools – the maker of Best Way pools – provides a complete pool closing package with Blue Shield winterizing supplies to make that process simpler. Add a winterizer and winter tabs to your pool the day before it is due to be closed. Observe dosing guidelines exactly. Directly into the swimming pool, pour the winterizer. Place the winter tab dispensers in a safe location away from the pool liner by tying them down firmly.
Adding a pump protector
By means of the skimmer, apply a liquid pump protection (such as Blue Shield Pump Protector). Ten seconds of pump operation should be given before turning it off and letting it rest for at least an hour. This will offer defense against pump corrosion and lubricate inner seals to stop them from cracking and drying up due to pool chemicals.
Protecting the return and skimmer
The return and skimmer to your Bestway pool should be completely sealed off, we strongly advise. If you just lower the water level, you run the risk of causing ice damage to your return and skimmer, especially if you have a wet winter that raises the water level. Remove the return fitting eyeball from the eyeball and plug it with a winter return plug to safeguard your pool and provide some peace of mind. A skimmer plug should be used to plug the skimmer aperture. Although skimmer plug sizes might differ from pool to pool, be careful you purchase the appropriate size.
By following these steps, you can winterize your Bestway above ground pool and protect it from the elements during the winter months. Read More>>
I have bestwave pool, 2 water intake hoses and one return hose, do these come with winterizing kits, let me know how I can order, Thank you
Hello Kat!
Unfortunately I would not know the answer to that; the best thing would be to contact Bestway directly. In the US, that would be via their contact form at https://bestwayusa.com/contact. When you go there, you would click on “Fill Out Form”, and then *choose “Need Assistance” & “Cannot find what I am looking for”. From there you can fill out a form and they will call you back. Alternatively, you could try calling them at1-800-316-4567 and leaving a message.
Hope this Helps!
— Winterize Guide
*Any other combination will lead to their FAQs / non-opportunity to fill out the callback form.